#i still love them but lhh is just a whole other thing. something about him just enthralls me
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hello, wanted to ask if you know anywhere with summaries of the side story pre 565?
for 553-555, red-gtech has summaries
i'll write a (somewhat) condensed summary of 556-564 for you ^^
episode 2. rewrite (556-653)
lee hakhyun wakes up and looking at the screen door, he notices that his face isn't his. there was a cardboard cutout of the character with that face in front of the theater where the event was held, but he can't recall what character it is. he realizes he's transmigrated into orv, and that he's transmigrated into an extra character. scanning his surroundings, he figures out he's in geumho, and bihyung appears! the main scenario arrives, and proof of value begins. lhh tries to open his attribute window, but there's an error and it can't be activated. he then tries to call the fourth wall, but there's no response. he then tries to activate any of the author-specific skills like [avatar], but that also doesn't work.
there are two main groups in the station, a group of people that are part of a church lead by a deacon and the other being people gathered together by a big man with a tattoo on his forearm. they try to push at the barrier, while lhh makes a plan to meet up with kdj and goes to a vending machine to collect a bug to clear the scenario. he gets a bug and pockets it without killing it.
while he was catching bugs, he gets a message on his phone, from rep kdj. he congratulates him and says he'll send him a gift. he realizes it's a message sent through a web novel platform, and orv is there along with all 551 chapters. he tries reading a chapter, but only the comments left by readers show up. he can't actually read what's in the chapters, just the comments.
he meets another reader, and lets him get his own bug. the ahjussi kills the bug, and clears the scenario. he then asks lhh if he's going to let the rest of the people die, and lhh says kdj wouldn't have saved them either.
the big guy who had leading the group pushing the barrier, and confronts lhh and the ahjussi for not helping them out. it quickly escalates to violence, and lhh is able to use the exclusive skill of the character he transmigrated into, which calms his head and he hits the vending machine until a bug comes out. he takes the bug, and thinks of the readers in the theater and of ji eunyu. his skill activates,
and he says he'll save everyone if they follow him.
the big man challenges his words, and he emulates kim dokja's way of speaking to convince everyone, and tells the people that the scenarios are real and that he knows something about this situation, comparing it to a test from god due to human sins. this gets the attention of the deacon, who starts muttering about crimes and trials.
he then brings up that the scenario can be cleared by killing any creature and gets everyone to work together to gather bugs. he organizes the collection of bugs and talks with the deacon, and finds out he has [character list] and uses it on the deacon the deacon is named kim chulyang, which is a name that he can remember writing about in a discarded setting for orv, but he couldn't recall what it was. he has the crouching figure attribute like jung heewon, which means he has the potential to be very powerful if he awakens under the right conditions.
bihyung appears and warns that the constellations don't like it when the incarnations are too smart, and as everyone manages to get a bug, they all crush them at the same time. but the scenario clear message doesn't appear.
bihyung appears again, and mentions that people were playing tricks here too. lhh belatedly realizes that the other readers must have been doing the same thing, and the bureau has interfered with the scenario.
with this, he realizes something. kim dokja used bugs to clear the scenario. with this change, kim dokja may die. the people turn on lhh, and the big man tells him to take responsibility, but he starts talking about future events, reciting the prime minister's speech moments before the news is broadcasted. due to the bureau's interference, the scenario can't be changed anymore, and the time limit can't be reduced by 10 minutes like it was in orv.
the prime minister's death causes a lot of panic, and the people rush back to the barrier to try to break it down. lhh calls out to them again, and uses the fear to take the lead. he looks at the comments, and sees a story he didn't write.
there's also a comment from 'rlaehrwk37'.
the people have done what lhh told them and there's a pile of old clothes. his idea is to kill germs instead. kim chulyang questions whether this will work, and he says that 'germs' are still living things. lhh also wonders if it would work, and he's also not sure if it would work. he says it might be the intention to kill that counts.
(propecia treats male pattern hair loss.)
a bonfire is started with the pile, and people start throwing in bug carcasses and old junk to burn germs, including the big guy who had been protesting lee hakhyun wonders what will happen to his readers, while they wait for the scenario clear message.
there's an error in the system messages, and the results won't be clear until the end of the scenario. bihyung appears and from his reactions, the bureau had not planned for this to happen. when people asked bihyung whether germs were living things, all the constellations stopped bihyung from speaking. the timer hit 10 minutes, and lhh says that it's time for 'that' to appear.
a hologram screen appears in the station, and lee jihye is shown on the screen along with the aftermath of the scenario in daepong girls' high school. it's exactly the same as in orv, and causes a panic in the station. the reader ahjussi tries to calm people, but the group turns on them.
he starts to think that maybe's it's better to stop trying to save these people, but his exclusive skill activates.
lee hakhyun's skill, ☐☐, allows him to write the next actions of a character. he starts to write a sentence, and,
there's probability constraints, so he can't just write anything and have it come true. there's also 'reader feedback' from rlaehrwrk37. lhh tries a few different sentences, getting lackluster success rates and an increasingly annoyed rlaehrwk37.
with 30 seconds left, he can't seem to figure out what to write, but he remembers ji eunyu's advice, and thought about the character's desires. he writes sentences for kim chulyang, and gets an interested reaction from rlaehrwk37.
exiting the snow garden, the colour returns to the world and time returns to normal as the sentences lhh wrote become reality.
kim chulyang says that this is a test of faith, and that the gods above are watching our choices. he calls lhh a 'lion of god' and that they have already passed the ordeals with his guidance. the people are brought together by the shared hope, and lhh gets a messages that kim chulyang has awakened with the attribute 'the one leader', and has started the religion of the church of life.
not only has he aided in the start of a cult, he personally awakened of the 10 evils. as he despairs over this, the cultists are chanting about the great sacrifice of germs. he briefly considers sticking with the cult, but discards the idea once he realizes yoo joonghyuk would very quickly dispose of him.
the atmosphere of the station is cheerful, and people talk about their lives while waiting for the scenario to end. almost everyone is calm, but the big man calls everyone crazy and says that the only sure way to survive is to kill someone. lhh uses [character list] on the man, and gets his name, lee cheoldoo. he's the cheoldoo group's boss, who never showed up in orv.
he has a weapon, but he can't fight the rest of the 21 people in the station alone, and proposes that 10 people join him to kill the other half. kim chulyang challenges him, and with the cultists' solidarity nobody joins him. lee cheoldoo instead goes for an older man who was close to him, and the old man calls for help, though the crowd moves back and nobody steps up to help him. a character panics and joins lee cheoldoo, and he's instructed to point out someone to kill. with this, people start to panic and eventually everything is blamed on lhh, and lee cheoldoo decides to kill lhh instead. kim chulyang stops anyone from interfering, saying that this is god's messenger protecting them all, and as lee cheoldoo approaches, only one person stands with lhh.
the reader stays with lhh, but they both seem to have low stats and lee cheoldoo's physical stats average 7 by lhh's guess. with 2 minutes left, he tries to stall for time by talking, but lee cheoldoo starts to choke lhh.
as he's losing his strength, he sees someone behind lee cheoldoo holding a pipe.
he thinks he sees kim dokja, but it's the reader who helps him out. with the time limit counting down, they struggle against lee cheoldoo and finally hit the time limit.
paid settlement begins, and everything was normal. the reader asks if he succeeded, and as he nods he hears something fall. lee cheoldoo's headless body hits the ground, and lee hakhyun watches as the characters' heads explode one by one.
the reader asks if he really was trying to save them, and lhh hesitates before saying yes. he had a hunch that this plan would fail, but due to him not mentioning that these characters will no longer appear in the story.
lee hakhyun accepts and waits for his death.
but he doesn't die. the scenario clear message appears, and his kill history appears: 19 humans.
lee hakhyun realizes who he's possesing. the previous leader of geumho station, cheon inho.
episode 3. protagonist(?) (1) (564)
lhh thinks about cheon inho. he was the only survivor of geumho station originally, so these characters would have died even if he didn't transmigrate. so, was it lee hakhyun or cheon inho who killed these character? is he a murderer or a writer who describes the death of characters?
he calms down, and the constellations begin to show their interest. he gains the interest of the 'absolute evil' system who interpreted his incitement killing as deliberate, which he takes as a bad sign since it will be harder to get sponsored from the 'absolute good' system.
he then gets sponsored by the absolute good system. the good constellations interpreted his actions as heroic for trying to save the other characters.
he talks with and comforts the reader ahjussi, and when trying to use [character list] on him it fails because his 'soul' isn't a character. he learns he has another skill now, [reader's comments list]. it works on readers, showing a reader profile and allowing him to pay coins to read comments they left on orv, with 3 comments being free.
checking the reader's comments, it seems he started reading because of his daughter, jiyoon, and then decided to read the rest of the story.
they exchange names, with the reader getting flustered when he says he's cheon inho. the name of the character the reader possessed is 'lee dansu', and it seems that other readers can see their attribute window. they agree to call each other by the names of the characters, and the bihyung appears, complaining about how weird the scenarios have been before congratulating them and bringing up the sponsor selection. lee hakhyun doesn't expect to get as many sponors as kim dokja, but he hopes that he'll at least get 1 narrative grade constellation for his troubles.
and when sponsor selection arrives, he gets 10 constellations offering to sponsor him.
#ask#orv#orv side story#orv spoilers#here we go rereading again~~#at this point i've probably actually spent more time reading the side story than orv's main story#feel free to ask me anything about the side story i am happy to talk about lhh#unrelated but i really couldn't say i had a favourite character before lhh#before it was like. i love all these characters equally#i still love them but lhh is just a whole other thing. something about him just enthralls me#side story rambles#<- the rest of my chapter summaries are in this tag! might just make a directory post at this point lmfao#edit: i have backdated this post so it shows up earlier when you search the tag chronologically
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It's me the girl that asked for soccer I can just call me soccer girl lhh but I have an idea I was thing when the rfa+v+saeran +vanderwood come home to mc they find her crying in the Conor with her phone on speaker and her mom is yelling at her that she is useless,ugly,a mistake, and a huge disappointment and how she should die srry about this one but this one would mean a lot to me cuz my mom used to do this to me and I felt like I had no one so I just need some fluf rn lhh u can do this one?
That sounds terrible no one has the right to sayanything so awful to anyone you are a awesome and lovely personsoccer girl !
No reason to be sorry I know that with something likethat you need the RFA and the minor trio to make you feel better. Soyou get all the fluff you need.
You are on the ground while your mother is still yellingat you.
Zen not wait an other second he has no idea why shewould do this to you.
He grabs the phone from your hands he knows how you mustfeel.
He just hangs up and puts the phone away
As much as he wants to yell at her for telling you suchawful thinks this just hits him really hard its bad enough that hehad to deal with this but when it comes to you its double as bad.
He just hugs you real tight he pats your head. “Don´tlisten to her babe you know it´s not true you are beautiful you arethe best person in the whole wide world.”
You are crying and he picks you up and brings you to thecouch.
He not lets you go at all he holds you extra close hesings to calm you both down.
Zen keeps telling you how pretty you are and howimportant you are to him.
He tells you how you saved him and how awesome you arefor that alone.
You are the most important person in the whole world tohim.
When you calm down he offers you tea or hot chocolate orwhat ever you need no matter what he will do it.
He will try to get you to sleep with telling youfairytales even if that works he will not sleep he will just keepsnuggling you.
If something like that happens again he is prepared hememorized the perfect speech for your mother since other wise hewould just yell at her and cancel the call.
Zen tells you that you really not need to hear badthinks like that at all.
When she comes back from shopping she hears your mom onthe phone she tells you awful thinks.
Jaehee has none of it she comes in and you sit in acorner you are curled together and you can´t even move anymore.
Jaehee takes the phone from you : “I have no idea whoyou are trying to call but you clearly speak with the wrong personsince I only see the one person here that I truly love. A trulybeautiful person that not deserves it at all that anyone talks likethat ever.”
Then she just hangs up and pulls the phone out for goodmeasure.
Jaehee feel bad that you have to get threw this she hadher own share of family issues but she wont stand by and watch yousuffer.
She goes to you “You know this is not true I know ithurts but you are the best person I know and I truly loveyou.”Jaehee hugs you she pulls you up from the ground and helpsyou tp get to the couch.
She sits right next to you and she keeps telling you allthe reasons why she loves you so much and she says that you are farfrom useless.
You are so important to her you not deserve to feel badabout what your mother said.
She hugs you again Jaehee , she is their for you.
She snuggles you tightly she keeps holding you and whenyou cry she gets you tissues and when you shake she rubs you softly.
Jaehee makes sure you drink something.
She will get no rest since you feel so bad so she puts amovie on even when neither of you pout attention to it and justcuddle on the couch.
Jaehee tells you that you are her family and she willhelp you with your mom no matter what you want to do.
She hopes that you believe her words more then yourmothers.
Whenhe hears someone telling you bad thinks over the phone he thinks whodares to call you such awful thinks.
Thenhe hears you sobbing and he really hates it to hear you cry
Theperson calls you awful thinks he then hears its your mother Jumin hasno idea why anyone would tell you such terrible thinks he can´tbelieve its your mother of all people.
Juminhas none of this how dare she calls you bad names.
Jumintakes the phone fro you he sounds extremely calm but also reallyscary at the same time : “Excuse me madam but I think you not speakabout the same person I know. I will now drop this call you willlater be called by my lawyers since I plan to sue you for insultingmy precious love.”
ThenJumin hangs up , he would like to give her a hour long speech of howwonderful you are but right now you need him.
Jumingets down to you and gives you a tissue. “You know that no one hasthe right to talk to you like that my love. You are perfect.”
Juminnot lets you sit on the floor he picks you up and carries you to theliving room.
Hesits you on the couch and joins you he is not ever the best tocomfort people but he will do everything to make you better.
Juminhugs you and tells you the exact opposite of what your mother toldyou.
Youare very beautiful to him you are perfect you have the most kindheart in whole world he loves you so much.
Hepulls you over to his lap and holds you tight.
Hesnuggles your head and your back for hours even if you pass out likethat he will not stop to show you love.
Juminwill never accept it that anyone talks bad over the person he loves.
Whengets home after university he hears someone yelling over the phone.
Hewonders what that is about then he sees you on the ground the phonenext to you and look awful.
Yoosunghears its your mom and he is in shock how can your own mother saysuch thinks.
Hesees that you are crying he is not really sure what to tell yourmother but he knows that what she says is all wrong.
Yoosungtakes the phone from you “Excuse me I am the boyfriend of thelovely person you yell at and they not deserve any of this. Do youeven know how much you hurt them with your lies ?”
Yoosungcan´t believe it and your mom starts to yell at him for interruptingthe call.
Hefeels cold chills running down his spine he then just hangs up he hasno interest in talking with her when she is like that.
Yoosungfeels at a loss for words after what he just heard “How can she saysuch thinks you are so wonderful you saved me and you are thegreatest person alive.”
Yoosungis mad and hurt but you must feel so terrible right now so he makesit his mission to make you better.
Hebrings you to the kitchen he gives you some tea and he brings youtissues.
Whenyou calmed a bit down he will bring you to the couch and sit withyou.
Hetells you how wrong your mother is he is not sure how to convince youthat she is not right but he will try.
Yoosunglists all the thinks up he loves about you and he is hugging you.
Hekisses your forehead and your cheeks he keeps you close till you feela bit better
Hetells you that he will share his mother with you.
Heis glad when you feel a bit better he makes you something to eatsince you have not eaten anything at all.
Evenhours later he still finds nice thinks to say about you and he keepstexting you new thinks he loves about you.
Hejust want you to know how special you are to him.
Hesees that you are sitting on the ground threw the CCTV
Saeyoungis worried so he comes to see what is up he hears your mother stillyelling at you.
Hejust looses it he can not stand it at all that you go threw the samestuff that he dealt with.
Saeyoungtakes the phone from the ground “I think that was more then enoughdon´t ever talk to my angel ever again unless you want toapologize.”
Heis really angry at her but he can´t let that distract him from themore important matter.
Thatis you right their on the floor He comes down to you and sits rightnext to you he just holds you till he calmed down.
Hewhispers to you that you should not listen to her he is really shakenup himself.
Whenhe gets a hold of himself he takes you by the hand and leads you tothe couch.
Hewill hold you and hold you really tight so you not break apart.
Saeyoungcan´t really speak but he is their for you he keeps you save.
Hesnuggles you and cries more then you do since it just hurts him somuch to see you like that.
Youhug him back later he tells you how much you mean to him you are hiswhole world and you shine so bright for him.
Hegoes into 707 mode and makes jokes to cheer you up it kind of workshe makes you forget about what your mother said.
Whenyou smile a bit for him he feels better too he snuggles you.
Hetells you that he loves you over and over again neither of you sleepsthe whole night you pass out in the morning still in his arms on thecouch he is glad that you get some sleep.
Saeyoungwill just watch over you and bring you to bed so you are morecomfortable he will spoon you and make sure you are save from anyharm.
Whenhe comes in and sees you on the floor he knows something bad happenedand then he hears that someone is yelling at you threw the phone onthe ground.
Youare crying while he still thinks why you not hanged up he hears itsyour mother.
Vwalks over to you he gets down next to you and picks the phone up.
Hehas a lot to say to your mother but you are much more important tohim you need him right now.
Jihyunplans to tell her later what he thinks about her wording and herbehavior towards you.
Fornow he just hangs up and shuts the phone off.
Henot wants that she calls you again while you still feel that bad.
Hebrings you to the couch he cant stand to see you on the ground likethat.
Vasks you if you need anything but you are far to shaken up to evenanswer him.
Sohe comes to you and sits with you he puts a arm around you he pullsyou close to him.
Hedrys your tears with a tissue and kisses your head.
Vholds you close and tells you how pretty you are to him you broughtthe light back to his live.
Youare so special to him he can´t stand when you are in pain at all hekeeps you close to him.
Hetells you about all the awesome thinks you done for him the RFA theyare your true family now.
Hesnuggles you and tries to cheer you up with showing you photographsand he shares some of travel stores with you to make you forget aboutthe bad thinks.
-theiris some swearing in this one-
Hehears someone saying awful thinks when he is in the hallway.
Saeranhad no idea what is going on till he is closer first he sees yousitting in the corner and crying and then he hears its your motherthat tells you to die.
Youmight think you seen Saeran angry before but no this time he reallyis angry.
Hecant stand it at all bad enough that he had to deal with this kind ofcrap but you oh no not you you not deserve this at all.
Hetakes the phone from the ground he is fuming with anger.
Heyells in the phone : “You should shut thefuck up andnever ever call here again.”
Saeranpretty much breaks the phone by dropping it to the floor
Henot cares he is about to go and do something that he will regretlater.
Youlook at him and you cry still well he can´t leave you like that
Saeranhas to make sure that you are okay.
Hebrings you to the couch and he asks you if you need icecream oranything you just shake your head.
Hegets you water at least and hugs you while you drink slowly.
Saeranis still angry but he does his best to keep calm for you.
Hetells you that he loves you and that those words are all lies you areso wonderful.
Youhug him and tell him that you are glad that he stayed and not walkedout to get revenge for you.
Thatkills his plans for later since he not wants you to get unhappy whenhe gets arrested for something.
Youcling to him and he not pushes you away he keeps you extra close tohim.
Saerannot says much but he tries his best to comfort you.
Henot leaves you alone at all he later gets icecream for both of youits really sweet of him.
Whenyou calmed down and just cuddle with him he gets calm again.
Vanderwood comes in and is seeing what is happening hefirst thinks this is someone just being really way to mean.
He then hears its your mother and he feels really uneasywith that.
You are sitting on the floor and crying you are clearlyfeeling really bad about what your mother says.
He hates people like that specially when they hurt you.
Vanderwood takes the phone and just hangs up he has notime to waste on people like your mother.
He just wants you to be better again “Hey you shouldstop crying you are looking way more pretty when you smile you know.”
That does not really make you better but he tires.
He takes you to the couch he brings you some teas andoffers you food but you not want to eat you just want to be alone.
That wont happen not while you are that sad.
Vanderwood comes to you and hugs you this is the firsttime he actual does something like that it´s a nice surprise to you.
He holds you and tells you that your mother is awful fortelling you those thinks specially when they are clearly not true.
Vanderwood does whatever he can to help you to feelbetter he tries to make you compliments but he is not really goodwith that.
He sticks to your side and keeps you close till he feelslike you are better
Take a look at my Masterlistmy requests are open so drop by !
#mysme#mystic messenger#mm headcanons#headcanon#request#soccer girl#rfa#minor trio#zen#jaehee#yoosung#jumin#707#saeyoung#saeran#v#vanderwood
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you know, even before the whole side story came out and learning about star writer existing before orv, i actually did have the thought about how even though it’s funny, side character lee hakhyun would probably feel some extreme level of imposter syndrome if he were to learn that he did not come up with orv himself,,, a way to give him a somewhat happier outcome via success, sure, but at what cost? the process of writing a story can be special in that you put so much of your heart into it, and to hear that something you worked on wasn’t, in fact, your efforts after all, is. well. on top of that work being so much more well-received than the ones you actually wrote yourself…
seeing that dilemma get sledgehammered in now is. Painful. but there’s also a fascinating factor wherein he DOES actually have someone who read his previous works and loved them, who couldn’t love orv as much because they could tell it didn’t feel the same; a sign that there was something loveable in his words from the start, it just didn’t have enough time to bloom into its own yet.
and there’s something very meta about that (as all things with orv tend to go), in that the triad of star writer/world after the fall/orv all built upon the ideas of writers, readers and protagonists, but orv took off because singnsong managed to build off the stories they wrote before to ‘perfect’ the third, as it were. but lhh’s story was made back when singnsong were still somewhat untried, thus lhh himself as a writer wasn’t able to deliver the story he wished to send off on his own merit; but there WAS something good there, something compelling. he just Wasn’t There Yet.
and as much as his cameo in orv’s original epilogue helps give his unfinished story (and singnsong’s by extension) some sort of closure on the surface, when you really think about it from a more personal author’s lens it steals his chance to properly come into his own.
but star writer had been discontinued already at that point, so would he have ever reached that point had orv not re-invited scrutiny? perhaps it was just as well that he was brought in as a quick cameo in the epilogue, appearing to be a one-off appearance and thus a side character - side stories tend to allow more focus on narratives that couldn’t be addressed in the main work, especially side characters. lee hakhyun’s quick appearance thus allows for him to become the protagonist of a ‘side story’, which then allows him and the characters of ‘star writer’ to be dragged into a new narrative that allows their tale to find the conclusion they couldn’t reach before.
which is, in all likelihood, why this story is still dubbed a ‘side story’ despite functionally acting as a sequel. on that note, however, knowing how both world after the fall and orv ended makes me fear for lee hakhyun. lee hakhyun my beloved, i hope to god you don’t have to martyr yourself or some equally tragic bullshit just to reach your happy ending.
lee hakhyun my beloved, i hope to god you don’t have to martyr yourself or some equally tragic bullshit just to reach your happy ending.
oh yeah, there were definitely moments where he doubted his ownership of orv, and it really set it when he confronted hsy
it's really sweet that he was able to meet someone who likes his other novels, even more than his one success,, he was absolutely dumbfounded that someone had read and liked his previous stuff though LMFAO
this side story can't be part of the main story, because the main story was everything hsy originally wrote. everything past here is new,,
#ask#orv side story#orv spoilers#god damn it if nobody else is doing it maybe i will just write that lhh character analysis myself#<- lying#i have thoughts. i cannot articulate ^^
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